The universe, is governed by four fundamental forces. This four fundamental forces were discovered by different physicians of different times.
The gravity
One of this fundamental forces is the gravity. This force was discovered by Newton. Newton formulated the gravity theory. This theory says that: “All succeeds as if the matter attracted the matter with a force which is proportional to the masses and inversely proportional to the distance that separates them”. The gravity, which is the responsible to make the objects to fall when you release them on the Earth, is a force that acts on a big scale that we observe in the universe. For example, the movement of the Moon around the Earth, the solar system turning around our galactic centre…
The electromagnetism
the second fundamental force is the electromagnetic force. This force acts at big and small scale. It is the responsible of the attraction of the attraction of magnets in the opposite poles and that they repel when they are the same pole. The electromagnetism is also the fundamental force that creates the magnetic fields of planets and stars.
The strong nuclear force
Another one of the four fundamentals forces that govern the universe is the strong nuclear force. This one has a very important role, as if it didn’t exist, the universe wouldn’t exist. This force makes the atom’s nucleus to be stable so they don’t disintegrate. In the atom’s nucleus there are some subatomic particles. These are protons and neutrons. Both protons and neutrons have positive charge. Normally, as they have the same electrical charges, they would repel from each other and the atom would be destroyed. When the scientists discovered this phenomenon, they realised that there had to be a force with the effect of keeping the atoms stable. And this force is the strong nuclear force. This force acts at a very small scale, at subatomic measure.
The weak nuclear force
The last of the fundamental forces that govern the universe, is the weak nuclear force. This force is very similar, in name, to the strong nuclear force, but it does the opposite than the last one. This force makes the atom’s nucleus to be unstable, and, for consequent, that it disintegrates. The weak nuclear force isn’t as powerful as the strong nuclear force, and this is the reason for which the matter doesn’t normally disintegrate. Like the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force acts at a subatomic scale.
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